It's the beginning of a whole new year and so along with that comes a lot of new possibilities and hopes and dreams, but as always with the beginning of anything, we look back reflecting on the past as to how it might make way for the future, it can be positive in taking from it what was good and learning from what was not so good that it might make way for better times and opportunities ahead, or we can allow the past to impact the future in a way that is not positive, not good. And so looking back I reflect on the past year in a way that I hope it brings nothing but good to the new. In the past year, at the beginning of the year in my ministry having to deal with so much death, and sadness, it felt almost as if there was no opportunity for joy, with the darkness feeling so overwhelming at times that it felt there was no getting away from it. Yet reflecting back on it now I can see very well the light of Christ shining forth in the darkness, strong and vibrant even though the light at times seemed only a glimmer it was there pulsating, shimmering, bringing hope even in the darkest times. In the strength and courage of those experiencing such darkness hope was revealed, and in my efforts to support and uphold that hope in ministering to the families going through such difficult times, I too experienced God’s presence in very powerful ways. John in the first chapter of his gospel says, “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.” Darkness can very will overcome the light if we give into it, if we allow the darkness to overtake us, but it is hanging on to that last sliver of hope, even when it doesn’t make sense to do so at times that the light takes hold and the darkness eventually must dissipates because the light makes more sense to hold onto. When I think about hope as Christ light shining forth in the darkness, I often think about entering a totally darkened room and striking a match to light a candle and watching the flame as it ignites to reveal the objects in the room, in the shadows. The light doesn’t have to be very big but still it overcomes the darkness, and the darkness no longer feels so threatening. The soft glow of the candle flame not only makes a way to move through the darkness but provides warmth and comfort along the way, and I think hope in the same way acts as a light, dispelling the darkness of the moment but also giving way for new opportunities to grow in the experience of God’s love revealed to us in Christ Jesus. And so I pray this year will bring new hope, new possibilities, new beginnings that will reveal the light of Christ breaking forth in our world in new and powerful ways.
Blessings for the New Year!
Rev. Hannah+
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